Hobart TasPubLUG: Thursday 19 April - Hope and Anchor Tavern

It is that time of the month again to meet up and talk about all things related to free and open source software, hardware, and culture.

Unfortunately Shambles Brewery is a bit busy on the 3rd Thursday of the month so we are trying a new location this month.

6:30pm, Thursday 19 April 2018
Hope and Anchor Tavern (65 Macquarie St, Hobart)

Let John know if you are planning to come along. If we hear from more than a handful of people that they are coming then we’ll book a table, otherwise we will just rock up see what is available.

Looking forward to seeing everyone next week on Thursday.

Hobart TasPubLUG: Thursday 15 March - Shambles Brewery

The last Hobart TasPubLUG was only a few weeks ago, but we thought we would try to get the Hobart meet-ups back to their regular 3rd Thursday of the month and this month the 3rd Thursday is an early one… Oh well.

This month we will be heading to the pub again to talk about any topics related to Free and Open Source software, hardware, and culture that take our fancy.

There was a special request for this month that people bring along any hardware projects they are working on, or new gadgets they have recently acquired, and give a bit of an explanation about what they are being used for. If you have a new single board computer, dev board, crypto card, or yubi key, etc. bring it along, we would be keen to hear about it.

6:30pm, Thursday 22 March 2018
Shambles Brewery (222 Elizabeth Street Hobart)
Any new hardware projects or gadgets.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday.

Launceston Meeting: 24th February - Spectral Editing With Audacity

Hi people! For this month’s Launceston meeting, we will look at the new(ish) “spectral editing” tools in the F/OSS audio editing program Adacity, which allow for a more visual way of analysing and editing unwanted sounds in audio recordings.

22-24 Patterson St
Saturday 24th February
2:00pm Start

As always, everybody is welcome to come along and join the discussion. Hope to see you there!

Hobart TasLUG at the Pub: Thursday 22 February - Shambles Brewery

For those of you that missed the news, Scott stepped down as the Hobart coordinator of TasLUG meetings at the end of last year. Volunteer work like this can often be a thankless job, so in case it hasn’t already been said…

We would like to say a huge thank you on behalf of the TasLUG community to Scott for organising these meetings for the last 4 years. He has done a wonderful job of finding speakers with interesting talks to present1 and ensuring there was always a space to have the monthly meetings.

The upshot of this though is that no one else has yet put their hand up to organise meetings so they are currently on hiatus for the foreseeable future.

However a few people have expressed an interest in still catching up regularly in person. So this month we will be heading to the pub to talk about the usual things we talk about at meetings.

6:30pm, Thursday 22 March 2018
Shambles Brewery (222 Elizabeth Street Hobart) http://www.shamblesbrewery.com.au/

There might be a bit of discussion about the future of TasLUG in Hobart, so if you have any opinions or some free time to help out it would be great if you can come along. If you can’t make it, then we always enjoy people dropping by IRC/Matrix for a chat.

  1. Scott often ran tutorials or give talks himself to fill in the months when no other presenters were available. 

Launceston Meeting: 27th January - Tips and tricks with ImageMagick

Hi people! For this month’s Launceston meeting, we will look at creating, manipulating and converting raster based images with ImageMagick. While used as a terminal tool, ImageMagick is a set of libraries that can be interfaced from a number of programming languages to allow the user to create their own image manipulation applications. This presentation will discuss many of ImageMagick’s options and demonstrate a range of its features.

22-24 Patterson St
Saturday 27th January
2:00pm Start

As always, everybody is welcome to come along and join the discussion. Hope to see you there!

Hobart coordinator needed

The current coordinator of the Hobart meetings recently posted the following on the TasLUG mailing list:

Hi everyone,

This year has gotten very busy for me with many side projects and it doesn’t look like it will let up any time soon. With declining attendance, I don’t have the time to continue organising Hobart TasLUG meetings and I am open to someone else taking up the reins.

If you’d like to give it a go, let the list know in reply and/or join the chat on Matrix #taslug:matrix.org or IRC #taslug@freenode.

Cheers Scott

We would love to hear from you if you are interesting in helping to coordinate future Hobart TasLUG meetings.