Hobart TasPubLUG: Thursday 12 March - In The Hanging Garden

Next week is TasPubLUG time where we head to the pub (or other type of eatery) to talk about Free and Open Source software, hardware and culture… but usually just to generally hang out and have something to eat and drink.

6:30pm, Thursday 12 March 2020
In The Hanging Garden (112 Murray St, Hobart)

Please note that the venue is cashless, so you will need to bring your virtual money device1 with you… or just ask someone to make a purchase on your behalf.

In The Hanging Garden is not really an all weather venue, so while the forecast currently looks good for next Thursday, the backup venue will be The Standard (177 Liverpool St, Hobart) just down the road.

1 usually a credit/debit card